Sunday, January 12, 2014

Quarter 3, Week 2 of 10

Monday, January 13
Learning Objective: L.11-12.6, Understand and use effectively general academic and domain-specific words and phrases. W.11-12.2, Write informative texts to examine and convey complex ideas.
  1. Do Now: Vocabulary Unit 8, Quiz B
  2. After: Assess quiz
  3. Then: Complete In-class essay (click here to see grading rubric- only one criteria will be used each week)
  4. Next: Self-score (time-permitting)
Target Practice: I can effectively use new words and/or phrases to convey meaning in my writing. +/0/-
Tuesday and Wednesday, January 14 and 15
Learning Objective: RI.11-12.7, Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information to address a problem. SL.11-12.1, 2, Effectively initiate and participate in group discussions using a variety of media sources to address a topic.
  1. Do Now: Copy the learning objective and target practice.  Then, copy and respond to the following prompt in your journal: How do you think looking at a Shakespeare play can give us an idea about the physical structure of an Elizabethan theatre?
  2. After: Read excerpt from Henry V. Listen for cues that suggest the structure. Discuss.
  3. Then: Watch video segments about Elizabethan theatres and try to answer the following questions in journals: 
    • How would you describe the theatres? 
    • What is the relationship between the actors and the audience?
  4. Next: The Globe Theatre scavenger hunt (click here for checklist and here for student organizer) and group presentations
Target Practice: I can use the print, video, and web sources to research, understand, and describe the structure of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre during the Elizabethan Era. +/0/-
  • Determine groups for video production activity by class-time on Thursday/Friday
  • Independent Reading Option 3 proposals due by the end of week 3
  • Continue Independent Reading: early turn-in due on Friday, February 7 @ 2:15 (click here for written options)
  • Enrichment: Design and build a scale Elizabethan theatre using the sources from class as a guide.  Enrichment credit will be awarded on a 0-3 scale based on quality and accuracy.  See teacher for more information. (Due by Friday, March 7)
Thursday and Friday, January 16 and 17
Learning Objective: RI.11-12.7, Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information to address a problem. SL.11-12.1, 2, Effectively initiate and participate in group discussions using a variety of media sources to address a topic.
  1. Do Now: Copy the learning objective and target practice.  Then, copy and answer the following question in your journal: What is the connection between a writer and his/her tradition? Think back to the reading of Growing Up Local, or writers like Ellen Hopkins (Crank) and Mary Shelly (Frankenstein). How might the times and places where they were writing have affected what they wrote and how they chose to write about it?
  2. After: Read and share findings about Sir Frank Kermode's introduction to Shakespeare's Macbeth and consider the following idea: "[Macbeth is] every man or woman...faced by the need to decide which of two choices is the right one."
  3. Then: Read and share findings about the 'Author in depth' section (groups)
  4. Next: Read about the 'Macbeth: Shakespeare's Sources' section. This will be the basis of the essay for next Tuesday/Wednesday.
Learning Objective: I can read, discuss, and share my findings about Shakespeare and his sources. +/0/-